As we begin 2021, I can’t help but look back on the vision board I created at the beginning of 2020. It honestly has me feeling grateful – so many dreams were realized. Most of all, I grew, my marriage grew, and my business grew. Of course, there were things like travel plans that didn’t happen, but it’s a vision board not a promise board.
You might wonder what is a vision board? Each January I try and capture my dreams – by praying about them, pondering and considering them. I do my best to try and slow my thoughts to consider what it is I want this year to be. I then go on to create a vision board, reminding me of why I’m working so hard, what matters most, and where I want to grow in the new year.
In an effort to encourage and lead my team, I implemented this practice years back. It’s a team building exercise and a way to help my team grow, personally. I wanted them to be part of the same process – so I made it fun!
It all began around our conference table with magazines, scissors, and glue and now has grown into a digital creative exercise. Each person’s personality shines through their creativity to express their own vision. There’s no rules, or guidelines. They are encouraged to go as deep or as shallow as they’d like. When we present them, it’s a fun experience to learn more about each other, what makes them smile, and what they dream about. It makes our team more “real” to me. I know that seems weird to say, but it shows me their depth and personality in ways interacting in a day-to-day setting can’t always offer. Plus, I enjoy praying for my team and this exercise gives me ways to pray for them personally.
Here is my vision board for 2021 –
So what’s your vision for 2021? It’s a new year, why don’t you get your scissors or laptop and start dreaming and believing for your year, watch what unfolds.
To hear more about one of my vision board and my realized dreams in 2020 – check out Episode #7 of my podcast, Black + White Sofa.
Your friend + designer,